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Third Person Demo

This is a project I made for Advanced Game Development module. Our requirements was a third person camera alongside game engine requirements that included: level of detail support, collision that uses spatial partitioning and basic AI.

So I decided to do full blown animations for the characters. From experience with an old project, Gene, I improved the weapons system. This allowed the player to switch weapons from left and right hands, and they will translate correctly.

The thing in my previous shooters was that visually, the bullets come from the camera, and not from the gun itself, which was wrong, as this allowed shooting around a corner where clearly the gun is facing the wall. But if I fire the bullet from the gun, the bullets won't go exactly to the crosshairs.

This was my solution, fire 2 bullets, one from the camera, one from the gun. The one from the camera has no collision, and is invisible, while the one from the gun carries the bullet model, and has collision.

The bullet from the gun will follow the invisible bullet with a certain force. Over a certain distance, the bullet will travel exactly where the crosshair is pointed. Visually you cannot tell the bullet curves at all, so in the end, it was a successful implementation!

And of course, since my engine has evolved from Gene, bullets can collide mid air, and you are able to cut bullets with a sword if you react fast enough!


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